How to ignore folders and subfolders in Synology Drive Client

In Synology Drive Client basically you can set to ignore file names or file extensions.

Its very annoying if you want to ignore whole folders and subfolders.

Here is how to ignore folders and subfolders:

  • Found your ’session‘ folder from your Synology Drive Client config.
    There are some ’session‘ folder if you have configured more then one sync folder

  • Open the file blacklist.filter with your favorite text-editor like editor/notepad++/vscode etc.
  • In the file there are a config section [Directory] right under you have to insert the following line (as an example), here you can insert the folders you want to ignore.
    black_name = "my_folder_to_ignore", ".cache", ".git", ".github", ".vscode", ".vs", "Debug", "bin", "obj"

    Caution: If you modify the settings in the Synology Client Drive, your folder-ignore-settings are lost. You have to repeat the following settings.

How do I force a mount of a existing VMFS volume?

You need to use the esxcfg-volume command. It can be used in this way:
  • Execute this command to list the volumes that are detected as snapshots/replicas:# esxcfg-volume -l

    The output appears similar to:

    VMFS3 UUID/label: 49d22e2e-996a0dea-b555-001f2960aed8/VMFS_1
    Can mount: Yes
    Can resignature: Yes
    Extent name: naa.60a98000503349394f3450667a744245:1 range: 0 – 97023 (MB)

    Here the Datastore UUID is 49d22e2e-996a0dea-b555-001f2960aed8 and its last label is VMFS_1.

  • To mount the volume without performing a resignaturing of that volume (this volume is unmounted when the ESX host is rebooted), run this command:# esxcfg-volume -m

    For example:

    # esxcfg-volume -m „VMFS_1“
    # esxcfg-volume -m „49d22e2e-996a0dea-b555-001f2960aed8“

  • To mount the volume without performing a resignaturing of that volume (this volume is mounted when the ESX host is rebooted), run this command:# esxcfg-volume -M

    For example:

    # esxcfg-volume -M „VMFS_1“
    # esxcfg-volume -M „49d22e2e-996a0dea-b555-001f2960aed8“




ESXi – VM löschen wenn Status ‚Unbekannt‘ – (vim-cmd)

Ich hatte mehrfach schon das Problem, eine VM im ESXi zu registrieren welche dann nicht gestartet werden konnte. Sie wurde als ‚Unbekannt‘ angezeigt. Im Webinterface konnte ich sie nicht löschen. Dafür gibt es aber die Möglichkeit über die Kommandozeile eine VM zu löschen das geht folgendermaßen:

Zuerst alle VMs anzeigen

vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

Dann die ID der zu löschenden VM merken (in dem Beispiel 3)

3 Ubuntu [HDD] Ubuntu/Ubuntu.vmx ubuntu64Guest vmx

und dann die VM aus der registrierung entfernen

vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister 3


Jetzt ist die VM nicht mehr im Webinterface

List of most common VMware ESXi SSH/CLI commands